Rochester Teen Book Festival
I will be at the Rochester Teen Book Festival on May 19. It will be a fun day of author interviews, panels, games & signings. Come join me and the other authors if you're in the area!
Nazareth College
Main entrance at Shults Center
4245 East Avenue
Rochester, NY 14618
Saturday, May 19, 2012
9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
The authors will arrive around
8:45 a.m. Come cheer for them and watch the parade!
Meet 31 authors!! The Seventh Annual Greater Rochester Teen Book Festival is FREE (thanks to our generous partners!) and open to everyone, but seating preference will be given to teen readers at all sessions! No registration is needed...just come and enjoy the day!
For more details, check out the TBF website HERE
Hope to see you there!
Heart Day
Happy Love Day! I've been masterminding a bit of a blog revamp, but in the meantime, I thought I'd repost one of my past valentine's day confessions:  In light of Valentine's Day, I feel it's time to come clean. I can no longer deny that I have a serious problem with monogamy. Yes, I admit, I am a book cheater... It all started when I'd shift between the pages of Dr. Seuss and P.D. Eastman books carelessly... all the while, neither book knew about the other. Call me naive, but I didn't know two-timing was wrong back then. Soon enough two books weren't enough to satisfy my book cheating urges... I'd move on to three, four, or five at a time. Board books, picture books, coloring books - it didn't matter how I satisfied my compulsion - I wasn't picky. Things progressed grimly during my elementary years when the Scholastic Book Club reinforced my book cheating addiction even more. I'd purchase piles of books at a time despite the incredulous stares and whispers of my fellow classmates. But I confess, I didn't just book cheat in school... I would have late night trysts with the pages of Roald Dahl books... and move on seamlessly to Katherine Paterson, Madeleine L'Engle, Shel Silverstein, and Beverly Cleary... Fortunately, my early years weren't completely devoid of book monogamy. My Judy Blume phase was a time I'm proud to say I went steady with a book. It was good while it lasted... But then Christopher Pike and R.L. Stine dragged me into the depths of cheating again by their wicked plots and twisted writing. After that, I was right back to my dirty old book cheating habits. As I matured into young adulthood, my book cheating grew worse. Once in college, I began cheating on fiction with non-fiction... and I cheated on non-fiction pleasure reading with academic reading... and then academic reading with TABLOID MAGAZINES! Good grief, it's disgraceful to own up to! However, I can't take all the blame for my tainted book moral compass. There are book pushers who drive me to cheat with their "books for purchase" ploys. Yes, I'm referring to bookstores. But with the warped help of Amazon, I no longer worry about the awkward glances from book pushing clerks while I peruse the shelves of Borders and Barnes and Noble adorned with a fake mustache disguise. Amazon has been a book cheating middle-man, making it all the more easy to find books willing to help me cheat on my other books in the privacy of my own home. And Amazon's enabling ways don't stop there... Most recently I've gone down a new technologically sick book cheating path by cheating on my real books with my Amazon Kindle books. Does the shame ever end?! For the love of books, I need HELP people! So tell me, my friends of the blog world (if you're still actually reading this...), am I the only one suffering in the depths of book cheating torment? I beg you to come forward so we can work together toward book monogamy... or, on second thought, we could trade books and begin a polygamous book cult. Happy heart day to all and to all a good night! Labels: Book cheater, books, confession, Holidays, Valentine's Day
Gift Card Giveaway
Check out this fun giveaway on Natalie Zaman's blog: Whose Shoes Are Whose? I was with Natalie this past Saturday for YA-Palooza in Clinton, NJ... and my shoes make an appearance in her giveaway contest. I would post pictures from the event, but will have to wait until Natalie's giveaway is over (11/25/11) so that the answers aren't given away. Natalie is giving away a $100 gift card to Clinton Bookshop in Clinton, NJ. What a fab prize!!! Click the link above & enter! Good luck! Labels: Giveaways, natalie zaman, shoes, Ya-Palooza
 Come see me, Alissa Grosso, Charlotte Bennardo, Natalie Zaman, Kathy McCullough and Kristi Cook tomorrow (11/12/11) from 1 pm to 3 pm at the Clinton Bookshop in Clinton, NJ (12 East Main St, Clinton, New Jersey 08809-1410 - 908-735-8811). There will be pizza, sweets, giveaways, prizes, book signings, reading... and lots of FUN! See all of the event details HERE. Labels: amy holder, author event, authors, book signing, books, Clinton Bookshop, events, in person events, The Lipstick Laws Fun, YA, YApalooza
Neshaminy Event Pictures
I participated in another group author signing this past Saturday (10/22) at the Neshaminy Mall Barnes & Noble in Bensalem, PA with the KidLit Authors Club. Here are some pictures from the event: Front Row L to R: Alissa Grosso, Amy Holder, Jennifer R. Hubbard, Keri Mikulski Back Row L to R: Cyn Balog, Ellen Jensen Abbott, Cynthia Chapman Willis Authors Nancy Viau & Alison Ashley Formento Keri Mikulski and Amy Holder (me!) L to R: Amy Holder, Jennifer R Hubbard, Nancy Viau, Alison Ashley Formento, Cyn Balog, Alissa Grosso, Ellen Jensen AbbottLabels: amy holder, author event, authors, group signings, KidLit Authors Club, Neshaminy Mall, Pictures, The Lipstick Laws
Neshaminy Mall Event
Do you live near Bensalem, PA? If so, the Barnes & Noble at the Neshaminy Mall will be hosting me and eight other KidLit Authors tomorrow ( October 22nd from 1 to 4 pm) for a big signing event. We would love to meet you!! Participating Authors: Ellen Jensen Abbott Cyn Balog Alison Ashley Formento Alissa Grosso Amy Holder (me!) Jennifer R. Hubbard Keri Mikulski Nancy Viau Cynthia Chapman Willis
Store events page details HERE
Store address & phone: 300 Neshaminy Mall, Bensalem, PA 19020, 215-364-4235Labels: amy holder, author event, authors, Barnes and Noble, book signing, Fun, group signings, KidLit Authors Club, Neshaminy Mall, The Lipstick Laws
More Event Pictures...
I've been keeping busy so far this fall with many fun signing and book festival events. I'm sharing some pictures from the last two that I participated in below: Collingswood Book Festival - 10/1/2011 KidLit Authors Club YA Tent L to R: Alissa Grosso, Keri Mikulski, Amy Holder (me!), Ellen Jensen Abbott, Cyn Balog L to R: Ann Malaspina, Toni De Palma, Cynthia Chapman Willis, Irene Breznak, Alison Ashley Formento, Timothy Young Authors Alissa Grosso & Keri Mikulski Authors Ellen Jensen Abbott & Cyn Balog Authors Margie Gelbwasser & Jennifer R. Hubbard Authors Irene Breznak & Alison Ashley Formento Author & Illustrator Timothy Young Author Nancy Viau talking with young readers KidLit TentDoylestown Bookshop Event - 9/23/2011 Doylestown Event Announcement Doylestown Bookshop Shelf Display Doylestown Bookshop Shelf Display #2 L to R: Cyn Balog, Alissa Grosso, Ellen Jensen Abbott, Jennifer R. Hubbard, Amy Holder (me!) L to R: Amy Holder (me!), Alissa Grosso, Jennifer R. Hubbard, Ellen Jensen Abbott, Cyn BalogThat's it for now... Please check my News & Reviews page for more upcoming events. I'd love to meet you! :) Labels: author event, authors, Book Festivals, book signing, Collingswood Book Festival, events, Fun, group signings, in person events, KidLit Authors Club, Literary Festivals, Pictures, signings